Okay, somehow, people are mightily confused about this whole Chick-Fil-A controversy. I'm tired of arguing about it in multiple forums, so I'm just going to write this, and then be done with it. Any further arguments are going to be redirected here.
Statement 1: Do your research people. The LGBT community and its allies aren't up-in-arms because Dan Cathy made a bunch of ignorant, Jesus-infused, intolerant statements. While it would be great if those statements were never made, and while it would be great if people woke up and realized that it just doesn't matter what kind of sex your neighbor is having, because it's truly none of your damn (or damned) business, the problem isn't with the statements. It's with his actions.
Statement 2: Dan Cathy has taken the profits from Chick-Fil-A and donated over $5 million to a series of organizations which are seeking - on a grand scale - to criminalize the LGBT community. This isn't about just saying some hateful shit. This is about actively trying to make homosexuality illegal. This is about - I swear - trying to "export" homosexuals from America (oh, wait, does this sound familiar? I seem to remember hearing that this was a solution proposed by a group of people trying to figure out what to do with all the slaves brought to the United States by the South. . . .). This is about promoting inequality in a way that is reminiscent of, oh, I don't know, the subjugation of women, immigrant populations (and I'm not talking about modern-day immigrant populations, like Hispanics, but the Polish, Irish, Czech, Chinese, etc., etc., etc. populations - you know, WHITE people), or even, wait for it . . . yeah, Jews in Nazi Germany. (For the record, Hitler hated homosexuals, too. They got pink stars.)
Statement 3: In case this has totally escaped everyone's attention, the institution of marriage predates Christianity, and um, yeah, other religions have marriage and weddings and engagements and all that crap as well. I promise you, Jesus does not define marriage. I've already ranted about this in a prior post, so I'll restrict my comments to this: call it what you want, but homosexuals have the same right to express their love as you do, and in the same manner in which you do.
Statement 4: Let's talk about sex, baby. You might not like thinking about male-on-male, or female-on-female sex. But you know what? The thought of your iceberg-like, Puritanical, uptight, utterly frigid sex offends ME. I cannot imagine anything quite as sad, or offensive, really, as the pathetic attempt at emotional and physical connection you try and dignify with the epithet "making love". However. I don't go around making soapbox statements about how offensive you are. And I certainly am not trying to make you illegal for your ridiculous and sad attempts at coitus. I leave you the hell alone, because, well, really, it's not any of my business. And how I have sex isn't any of your business. And how John and Jake have sex isn't any of your business.
I'm digressing. Let me reiterate: the Chick-Fil-A controversy isn't about people saying ignorant and prejudiced things. It's about attempts to discriminate against part of the population. It is no different than being discriminated against because of your sex, race, religion, or even mental ability. It's discrimination. It's about the promotion of inequality. It's about attempting to maintain a status quo that should be overturned - like the suffragettes did. Like the civil rights movement. Like Gandhi in India. Like everyone who recognizes that you are really no different from me, and how you treat me and how I treat you should be equal. We're people. Humans. And the only reason we've managed to come this far as a world civilization is by recognizing that different is not evil. It's just DIFFERENT.
Nota bene: I realize that much of this post is incoherent and incomplete. It's because I'm fuming. Perhaps, when I've calmed down, I'll revisit it, and make it more concrete. Until then, however, I'm done talking about this.
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago