I just finished watching Wall-E, one of the last movies Pixar has done (second-to-last, I think, just before Up). It is such a darling movie, and it never fails to make me cry -- just when Ev-a thinks she's saved Wall-E, and then he doesn't know her . . . oh, it's just so sweet and sad. I've only seen it a handful of times, probably because of the fact that it makes me cry, but I think it's even better than Up. Up was darling. But it was predictable. You knew what was going to happen. There were no surprises. And the premise, while clever, wasn't that surprising, either. Wall-E was clever, and surprising, and not entirely predictable, and also had that bittersweet edge to it that I think marks some of Pixar's better movies, like The Incredibles and Finding Nemo. You weren't as invested in what was at stake in Up, but in Wall-E -- well, who doesn't want to go home? And one of the really amazing things with Wall-E, one of the things that gets overlooked about it, is the fact that there is almost no dialogue. And the main character, Wall-E, communicates his sweetness and vulnerability and dedication almost completely through gestures and his oft-repeated "Ev-a". It's an amazing testament to the talents of Pixar.
So now I have Spinal Tap on in the background, principally because I've seen it a million times, and I don't have to pay too much attention to it. Talk about a movie with a bittersweet edge. It's like all Christopher Guest's movies. They're just hilarious and painfully bitter at the same time. There isn't one of his movies that isn't both insanely funny and painfully bittersweet -- This Is Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind. . . . The only Christopher Guest movie I wasn't crazy about was the last one, For Your Consideration. I wonder if he'll do anymore, but the fact that he hasn't written/directed another one since (and this was in 2006), and the fact of its rather crappy reception, probably means he won't -- or at least, not for awhile. Which is really too bad, because he had an incredible cast by the end there. The first four, though, they're really exceptionally good movies. I love each and every one of them.
This post doesn't really have a purpose. It's just an attempt to avoid some homework. I've made some lists of things I need to do, and I know that I should really be doing them, but I don't want to do them. It's all part of the malaise I've been dealing with lately, where all I really want to do is piss about, and not actually do anything productive, unless it's creative productivity (writing, cross-stitching, reading, etc.). Anything that I'm "supposed" to do is for some reason anathema to me. I think it might just be that I'm totally burnt out. I need a break. A break from life, really, but a break of any kind would be good. I suppose the best that I can hope for is a break from school, but I'm crossing my fingers for my unemployment insurance. I'm just hoping that comes through. If it does, then I don't need to worry about work or anything for a few months at least, which I desperately need. I'm still trying to figure out where my life is going, and what I'm doing, and what I want, and I haven't had any spare moments to think about it. So I'm hoping that over the summer I get a chance to get some perspective on things.
This is an abominably dull post. I think I'll end it now before I send everyone into terminal boredom. Good night, all.
Homemade Onion Powder
2 days ago
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